Creating good silhouette figure images is fun and a neat type of image you can add to your portfolio. Silhouettes emphasize shape and form, stripping away details and letting the viewer’s imagination fill in the blanks. There are more than a few ways to create silhouettes.
One approach involves using flash lighting against a white background. In a one-light setup, position your subject in front of a white wall or backdrop and place a flash behind them, aimed directly at the wall. By setting your camera exposure to capture the bright background while underexposing the subject, you can turn them into a dark silhouette. A two-light setup with flashes on either side of the subject creates an even brighter and more evenly lit background. You can do this with, or without, modifiers (like umbrellas or softboxes).

Another method is to use lighting modifiers directly behind the subject. Position softboxes or umbrellas behind the subject, aimed towards the camera. This technique can also create a halo or wrap-around lighting effect around the subject.

There are other creative methods you can try. For instance, natural light silhouettes can be achieved by using the setting sun to backlight your subject. Position them between you and the sunset, exposing for the bright sky to turn your subject into a silhouette. You can also place your subject in front of large reflective surfaces with strong backlighting to enhance the silhouette effect through reflections.

I usually finish off my silhouettes in post. Boosting contrast increases the contrast in your image, deepening the blacks of your silhouette and brightening the background, making the subject’s outline more distinct. Adjusting shadows and dark tones ensures the silhouette is as black as possible, resulting in a sharp, clean silhouette.
IMAGES: Silhouettes created using the setup shown (just a couple of flash units pointed at the wall).