The Godox TT685 manual contains important information on safety, specifications, features, and usage. It’s recommended that you read it. Unfortunately, the manuals included with gear like this aren’t the easiest to read and understand. So, I’ve put together my own version of a Godox TT685 user guide. The full text is titled, Ed Verosky’s Guide to the Godox TT685, and it can be downloaded free.
I cover the following in this guide:
- Complete overview of TT685 features
- Run-through of menu screens
- Flash modes
- Flash zoom
- Power adjustments
- Flash Exposure Compensation and High-Speed Sync
- Simple TTL flash
- Manual flash
- Optical wireless transmitter/controller
- Radio wireless transmitter/controller
- Overview of Godox radio triggers
If you have a Godox TT685, or you’re considering getting one, I recommend you download a copy of Ed Verosky’s Guide to the Godox TT685.
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