Two-Light Flash Portrait Tips

You can really make your portraits stand out by adding just one additional light to your setup.  In this video, I’ll give you tips for two-light flash portraiture.  Specifically, we’ll cover how to:

  • Separate your subject from the background.  For those times when part of your subject is disappearing into darkness on one side of the frame.
  • Add interest to the background.  Especially when the background is one solid color, or you feel like adding a little extra contrast or dimension to the shot.
  • Emphasize the physique.  Where you want to really define the contours and shape of a figure.
  • Go beyond one-light portraits.  Here, I’m talking about traditional fill lighting (we’ll cover two ways to do that).

I’m going to refer to an ebook of mine, called TWO-LIGHT PORTRAITS for this discussion.

In this video, I’m going to run through the basic setups.  All the specific details for gear used, light power settings and distances, camera settings, etc. are noted in the ebook.  But you’re going to learn a lot in this video; things you can start applying to your portraits right away.


Learn more about lighting with the Flash Photography for Portraits Course.